Wednesday, November 21, 2007

People Need the Lord

Life is a struggle. I honestly don't know how people do it without a firm faith in God. I look around me and see so much pain and heartache. People are hurting, they dwell in anger, they hurt each other in their attempts to find something to fill the unquenchable void in their lives. When faced with decisions they seem destined to always make the wrong one.

I see others facing unimaginable trials. Pain, uncertain futures. And yet they dwell in peace, acceptance. They look to others for support, and reach out to help, looking beyond their own hardships.

What is the difference in these lives? It's simple...a faith in God that allows them to rest in the knowledge that they are never alone. They know that God loves them, and though we can never understand the hard times we know that He will give us the strength to endure. And we know that at the end of this hard road is an eternal joy.

Kind of like the labor pains that end in the unspeakable joy of seeing the face of a new life, precious and as yet untouched by this world. As I watch newborn Paige sleeping peacefully she will sometimes smile. Mom says it's a tummy ache. I think it's because the thoughts placed in her innocent, untouched little mind are yet only those put there from the Father.


Anonymous said...


i always wonder ... babies coming straight from the hands of God knitting them together in momma's womb ... that experience ... what they bring with them when born :)

Anonymous said...

Me to Ame. As always Vicky you bring your thoughts to paper (our computer screen) so well.