Thursday, November 22, 2007

Giving Thanks

These turkeys live in thankful safety across the road...thankful we hunt our bird in the local grocery meat section

I Am Thankful…

1. For my husband, my daughters, my granddaughters, my parents, my grandparents, my brother and sister, and the rest of my creatively functional family.

2. For the beautiful small bit of country property on which I live.

3. For a healthy, functioning body that still knows how to heal itself and take occasional gastronomic abuse from it’s owner.

4. For being born to live in a country where I have the right to complain about the country in which I live.

5. For a job that gives me a sense of purpose, as well as meeting my needs.

6. For animals, some of which have been great friends.

7. For the opportunity to live in such a delightful climate which gives me just enough cold and
snow to be happy when it’s not cold and snowy, and just enough summer heat to make me happy when fall chill hits the air.

8. For friends who put up with my sometimes creatively dysfunctional personality.

9. For continual opportunities to stretch and grow in all kinds of directions.

10. For the occasional (read…‘constant’) surprises that keep life from being boring.

11. For the grace of miracles in my life that have kept me from permanent consequences from my mistakes.

12. For trials and challenges that create in me an ever-growing relationship with God, my Father.

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