Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Looking Closely

Suzie walked up to me at work today to share a tidbit. “I hope you didn’t see Patsy today. You would be angry if you saw how she's dressed today” she proclaimed.

“Hmmmm” I thought to myself. “Do I get angry that easily? I don't think I anger that easily.”

Suzie went on to tell me how Patsy was dressed, commenting her certainty it would never pass the dress code. To tell the truth, I don’t even know what she said Patsy was wearing as I was too taken back by the fact that Suzie was standing in front of me in dirty tennis shoes, too-short sweatpants and a sweatshirt…telling me how tacky Patsy was dressed today. Surely Patsy’s outfit couldn’t rival Suzie’s for “tacky in the workplace”.

It got me thinking, though. How many times have each of us rained criticism on another while ignoring our own failings? How many times have I done just that thing? Frankly, that’s quite a scary thought. Did Suzie not realize I wouldn’t be seen in public dressed like she was today, much less in a professional office where dress code is business casual? How many times have I myself been so blind, acted so foolishly? I shudder to think.

And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?”

Mat 7:3

Names changed...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is why I am thankful that I don't work in a 'traditional' work environment.