Friday, February 1, 2008

A Quiet Evening

Toni called while I was still at work and let me know the power was out. The power just came back on at 10:30pm. Brrrrrrrr!

I've since learned a transformer blew, putting out power for miles and miles around.

We drove to the nearby Martin's (who still had power) for supper. They have the best salad bar around. I heated some water in their microwave to warm a bottle for Paige. I filled it with eight ounces of formula and three tablespoons of rice cereal, just to make sure she didn't soon get hungry. I think she downed it in her sleep. Meanwhile, Mom called from Florida to give us the lodown on our power outage here in Indiana, along with the temperature forecast. :) We couldn't hang around Martin's all evening, so we headed on home.

We celebrated as we saw the lights and TVs glowing through the windows of the homes...until we turned onto the road to our home. Blackness. The sound of generators. (We've just got to get one of those.)

We had an early night. I tucked Paige into bed beside me. She was wearing a sleeper, a two piece sweater set with a hood, two blankets. I ended up covering her with an additional sheet, comforter, and blanket. I spent the evening checking to make sure she wasn't too cold or too hot. Checking to make sure the blankets weren't over her face, and that she was still breathing. The little angel woke up for me (barely) to feed her at Martins, and slept pretty much the rest of the time. I'll tell you what...that NEVER happens. :)

Dad called a couple of times from Florida to make sure we were OK. He'd talked with my brother about how they could help out since my brother's power came back on at 6:00 pm. (The electric company always DID like him best! :)

Toni's on her way home and I'm more than ready to crawl into bed, get all warm and toasty and call it an evening.

Oh...and I was going to do a post tonight of the top 10 reasons my Christmas tree is still up. TONIGHT just went to the top of the list.

1 comment:

Ame said...

WOO HOO!!!!!!! You just made my whole weekend!!!!!!! MY CHRISTMAS TREE IS STILL UP, TOO!!!!!!!

Gaw-wash!!! Can I fly you south for the winter???!!! I am SOOO sorry!!!!!!!

(FUNNY! Your mom called from FL to give YOU the report of YOUR weather ;)